10 Reasons Why Your Church Should Have a Website:

Your church needs a website. It’s that simple. This media-driven world may be a bewildering place, and a Church Website may seem complicated and expensive.  But still, every Church needs a Website. 
Here are a few reasons why:

1. A Church Website brings people to your church.
If someone wants to find a church in your area, how are they going to find it?  If your first answer is, “check the Yellow Pages” you’re wrong.  Most people go straight to Google.

2. A Church Website connects people.
Fellowship takes place even when people aren’t physically together.  Church Websites give members a way to interact and fellowship throughout the week.  This kind of interaction helps build unity.

3. A Church Website organizes church events.
Church Websites help people stay up to date with your church’s events—from softball games to Sunday services.

4. A Church Website answers questions about the church.
People have all kinds of questions about churches. Music? Nursery? Denomination? Bible version?  How can you answer all these questions?  Two words: Church Website.

5. A Church Website is the church’s testimony.
Within seconds of accessing your Church Website, a person forms opinions about your church—for better or worse.  A dynamic Website is a great way to communicate a good testimony.

6. A Church Website broadcasts your message globally.
Instantly—without buying a ticket, experiencing jet lag, or eating airline food, your church can reach as far as Europe, Asia, or Africa.  Regardless of its size, your Church can spread the Good News worldwide.

7. A Church Website saves you money on advertising.
Any Pastor wants the biggest bang for the buck when it comes to Church marketing.  Church Websites are way more visible and far less expensive than any other form of Church advertising.

8. A Church Website stores your media.
A Church Website gives you a digital media library.  Storing sermon recordings online is a great way to increase the longevity and reach of Sermons.

9. A Church Website increases your church’s income.
People pay their bills online, invest their money online, and read their bank statements online.  Can they also give to their church online?  With a Church Website, yes.

10. A Church Website gives your Church the relevance necessary to communicate today.
This generation has witnessed the launch of the digital age.  Creating a Church Website is the primary means of jumping on the information superhighway and reaching our generation for Christ.